Monday, March 9, 2009

Emily's version of the Engagement Story

MY version of our engagement story:

A cold and damp Sunday evening Steve made reservations unbeknownst to me at a gorgeous French Mediterranean restaurant called "The Little Door" on 3rd street in WeHo. The whole day, and even 3-4 days leading up to our anniversary Steve was acting extremely excited, even giddy. He had been dancing and singing all over the house. It became slightly unnerving because I had no idea why he was so happy! I had prepared myself that he wouldn’t propose, because the let-down I had experienced the year before was too great, and I didn’t want to set myself up for failure again. I was, of course, hoping for the best!

When we arrived at The Little Door the hostess knew Steve’s name and it INSTANTLY made me very suspicious! I was suddenly hyper aware of everything that was happening, and was half afraid he would propose right there in the restaurant. Certainly not because I didn’t want him to propose, but more that I wanted it to be a surprise and not feel set up. Also, I knew there would be happy tears, which I didn’t want to be public. The hostess seated us in a more private section of the main dining room, still visible to everyone but audible to no one. We were directly beneath the largest staghorn fern I have ever seen, which I love!

Our meal was exquisite and dimly lit by candlelight. After our cheese plate, lamb chops and scallop dishes, we were far too stuffed for dessert so Steve suggested we take a ride to the beach. "The beach????" I said. "Honey, it's cold and wet out right now, I really don't want to go to the beach. I'm wearing panty hose and 4" heels." Steve conceded and we attempted to look for a romantic look out spot somewhere in the hills of Los Feliz. Read: near our house. After driving around for nearly an hour, a frustrated Steve firmly stated that he really wanted to go to the beach and why wouldn't I let him go with the plan. (This is so like our life.) I agreed to go to the beach but ONLY if we went home and I could change from my dress and heels into sweats. He obliged me.

It was nearly 11pm and we got back in his car to the beach. I thought for sure it would be Santa Monica or Venice. I thought wrong. We drove to Manhattan Beach! The whole drive we were listening to a cd with all our favorite songs over the years and we were both pretty emotional. It was really beautiful and it got my mind off the fact that we were driving so far from home on a “school night.”

We arrived in Manhattan Beach close to the pier. Steve let out a huge sigh with a bright smile and I suddenly felt my stomach drop out beneath me. We got out of the car and the clouds starting pouring rain on us! I thought, “Really?!!!” Steve pulled out his blue Native American blanket out of the back of his car and threw it over my head like a babushka. He pulled my hand and we started running down the hill towards the pier, me in my fuzzy slippers no less. As we approached the pier there were people who were running the opposite direction from us: fishermen, a Father and son who were drenched by the rain, all the while I kept thinking, “Everyone else is vacating, why are we running towards a storm?!!” but I trusted there was a reason and was tickled by Steve's tenacity.

Halfway on the pier Steve took me to the edge and threw down the cooler of champagne and dropped to his knees. Between the rain, the blanket over my head, and the tears starting to stream down my face, everything went into slow motion and I saw a bright sparkling ring before me. I recall him saying, “Will you marry me?” and I could barely speak, I kept nodding my head up and down and laughing while crying at the same time. Steve stood up, “Really? Really? You’ll be my wife? You’ll marry me?” And we embraced as I finally got the words, “Yes!” out of my mouth. We were both obviously very emotional and it all felt ethereal. By this time we are totally drenched and we both didn’t see the point of getting pneumonia so we ran back to the car and quickly drove home.

The most amazing part was that once out of the rain and into some light I noticed how perfect the ring fit and looked. It’s pretty much exactly what I had my eye on and the fact that it fit perfectly (without Steve thinking to steal one of my other rings to size it) is incredible to me. It was meant to be, there’s no denying it.

I feel so blessed to have found Steve and that our lives have grown so beautifully together over the years. I am looking forward to more adventures and milestones with him. ☺

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